

Categories: Lipids

Skin Soothing

Glycerin, otherwise known as glycerol or glycerine, can be derived either naturally from plants and animals or synthetically manufactured. The physical properties of Glycerin bear great similarity to the physical properties of skin, thereby enabling glycerin to play a key role in skin care. Glycerin can help to improve skin-hydration, as well as having soothing effects.

As a humectant, glycerin naturally attracts water. Therefore, when applied topically to the skin, glycerin promotes moisture retention and increases skin-hydration. Consequentially, such skin-hydrating benefits will help assists in alleviating irritating symptoms.1-2-3

In addition, glycerin can be used as a toner, moisturizer, dry skin, wrinkles, and scars. However, the effectiveness of these uses has yet to be scientifically proven.1-2

  1. Ravishanker, R., A. S. Bath, and R. Roy. "“Amnion Bank”—the use of long term glycerol preserved amniotic membranes in the management of superficial and superficial partial thickness burns." Burns 29.4 (2003): 369-374
  2. De Giglio, E., et al. "Exploiting a new glycerol-based copolymer as a route to wound healing: Synthesis, characterization and biocompatibility assessment." Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 136 (2015): 600-611
  3. Fowler Jr J. Efficacy of a skin-protective foam in the treatment of chronic hand dermatitis. Am J Contact Dermat. 2000;11(3):165-9
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