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Laura Reiss

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Laura Reiss has always believed in a world where people celebrate each other. In 2008, she harnessed this belief and started a free after-school kindness program at Sunrise Park Elementary in Boca Raton, FL where her children were going to school. This kindness movement that began as a single club became The Samaritans365 Foundation, a Florida not-for-profit organization that educates children about the importance of being kind to themselves and to others, and contributing to society so they can make a positive impact in their communities and the world. Through the program, children have the opportunity to experience acts of charity and kindness by participating in afterschool clubs, with charitable organizations, and at community events. Since inception, The Samaritans365 Foundation has since spread to nine states, with more than 400 ambassadors and 4,050 members in 90 chapters. As part of their service-learning and community service projects, these clubs have collected and distributed $1,347,300 in goods, supported 45,800 individuals, raised $2.5 million in disaster relief, and reported 613,213 community service hours.

I’m committed to leaving this world better for having been here. I created what I think is a strong formula to empower people, and becoming a Women of Worth means being able to spread this message of kindness to even more people.
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