Estefanía Rebellón is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Yes We Can World Foundation, a female-led nonprofit organization that believes every child has the right to a quality education, mental health support and safe spaces regardless of their location, legal status or economic background.
Rebellón was a refugee child from Cali, Colombia whose life was changed forever at age ten when she and her family were forced to flee their home country due to death threats by a Colombian rebel group. Rebellón and her family fled to Miami, Florida where they were granted political asylum, later becoming permanent residents, then U.S. citizens after ten years.
At the peak of the arrival of migrant caravans along the US-Mexico border, Rebellón gathered donations and volunteered with others at a refugee camp. She recognized that there were no areas within the camp dedicated to helping the children, so she launched an education program and provided a safe space for migrant children within the camp. This program then grew into the non-profit organization Yes We Can World Foundation and the Yes We Can Mobile Schools program.
Since the program’s launch, the Yes We Can Mobile Schools program has built three mobile school buses, launched and built four schools, provided over 2 million hours of individualized bilingual education, donated over 3,100 school backpacks with school supplies, and most notably enrolled and impacted the lives of over 3,100 children. With the growth of the school programs, Yes We Can World Foundation launched its resettlement programs throughout the United States to provide continuous support for incoming refugee and migrant families.
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